Special Education

Special Education

Message From Superintendent
New Student Enrollment
For Parents
For Students
For Staff

What is Secondary Transition?

Transition planning is a multistep process that guides youth from high school into adult living after they leave school.

Planning begins at age 14, or younger if determined appropriate by the IEP team, and continues through high school as academic instruction and community experiences help clarify and support students’ goals.

Post-Secondary Education

Preparing students to pursue their dreams of further education or training.


Preparing all students to be competitively employed or supported through the appropriate continuum of employment services.



Independent Living

Fostering skills for living independently in the community of their choice.



The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act can help provide school stability for your child if...
Fun Facts

Fun Facts

Looking for a fun fact?
PAABLE Savings Program

PAABLE Savings Program

For more information...
Back To School Immunization Clinics

Back To School Immunization Clinics

The Department of Health is currently holding immunization clinics across the commonwealth to provide vaccines at little or no cost for children through 18 years of age who are Medicaid eligible, uninsured, underinsured, or American Indian or Alaska Native.

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