About Us

About Us

Message From Superintendent
New Student Enrollment
For Parents
For Students
For Staff
The Sharpsville Area School District lies in a rural community located in the western region of Mercer County, Pennsylvania, is comprised of the Boroughs of Sharpsville and Clark and the Township of South Pymatuning. The school district, which encompasses 29.3 square miles, is a one-campus setting with a K-5 Elementary School, a 6-8 Middle School and a 9-12 High School, as well as the Central Administration Office.  
As of this date the total district enrollment is 1,177 students. The close proximity of the campus arrangement allows the district to coordinate and use staff and facilities efficiently. Additionally, it ensures unified and consistent curriculum implementation and enables the use of data-driven decisions in its everyday instruction. A final benefit of this close proximity includes increased staff
discussion regarding professional development issues and the opportunity to observe each other in the teaching environment.
The school district is viewed as the center of the community and provides opportunities for community partnerships through the use of our fields, gymnasiums, classrooms and auditorium. The Booster Club Tournament and the Buddy Guerino Tournament are just two examples of ways in which the community and the school district work together to help raise funds and provide opportunities for students. The school district also provides after school tutoring and summer camps for students to enjoy by providing enrichment and remediation for students that are willing to attend activities during the summer. Community members are encouraged to become a part of the school culture and have input into the hiring of principals, Special Education Plan, PTO and other organizations within the district. There appears to be a very good relationship between the school district and members of the community.
Sharpsville Area School District Office Administration
1 Blue Devil Way, Sharpsville, PA 16150
724-962-8300, Option 5
Fax: 724-962-7873

Superintendent – Mr. John Vannoy
724-962-8300, Ext. 4104
[email protected]

Business Manager/Board Secretary – Ms. Ashley Mocker, CPA
724-962-8300, Ext. 4103
[email protected]

Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent – Mrs. Michelle Fox
724-962-8300, Ext. 4101
[email protected]

Administrative Assistant to the Business Manager – Mrs. Stephanie Bobovnyk
724-962-8300, Ext. 4102
[email protected]

Director of Student Services - Dr. Annessa Steele
724-962-8300, Ext. 4110
[email protected]

Administrative Assistant to the Director of Student Services - Mrs. Melissa Young
724-962-8300, Ext. 1651
[email protected] 

Director of Technology – Mr. Bradley Hoagland 
724-962-8300, Ext. 3204

Food Service Director – Mrs. Elizabeth Grove
724-962-8300, Ext. 2750
[email protected]

Sharpsville Senior High School Office
301 Blue Devil Way, Sharpsville, PA 16150
724-962-8300, Option 6
Fax: 724-962-7730

Principal – Mrs. Carol Houck
724-962-8300, Ext. 1850
[email protected]

Secretary – Mrs. Deana Myers
724-962-8300, Ext. 1001
[email protected]

Guidance Secretary – Mrs. Karen Zagger
724-962-8300, Ext. 1000
[email protected]

Sharpsville Area Middle School Office
303 Blue Devil Way, Sharpsville, PA 16150
724-962-8300, Option 7
Fax: 724-962-7891

Principal – Mr. Jon Fry
724-962-8300, Ext. 2850

Secretary – Mrs. Lauren Belin
724-962-8300, Ext. 2000
[email protected]

Sharpsville Area Elementary School Office
100 Hittle Drive, Sharpsville, PA 16150
724-962-8300, Option 8
Fax: 724-962-1003

Principal – Mrs. Ericka Dungee
724-962-8300, Ext. 3850
[email protected]

Secretary – Mrs. Amber Ealy 
724-962-8300, Ext. 3000
[email protected]
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