Sharpsville Area School District News Article

Middle School HOUSE System

Middle School HOUSE System

We are all part of the BLUE DEVIL NATION…

Students spend three years in MIDDLE SCHOOL COUNTRY…

While there, they join a HOUSE. There are 4: Sharp House, Pierce House, Mahaney House, and Pebly House.

Within the first weeks of school, all middle school students will be randomly sorted into their houses. Each house will have students from 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. After the 2015-16 school year, only 6th graders will need to be sorted. Once you join a house, you are a member FOREVER.

There will be grade level picnics at Buhl Park in September to do team-building activities and to select a HOUSE MOTTO, CHEER, and SONG, and to design a BANNER and TSHIRT. The Parent Council and Natural Helpers will work with kids to support this process, financially and logistically.

Each house will vote on an 8th grade HOUSE CAPTAIN and a 7th grade HOUSE CO-CAPTAIN who will serve as leaders and spokespersons for the house. There will be new captains and co-captains each year.

Each house has two HOUSE ADVISORS. These people serve as advocates for every student in the house, and foster a relationship that lasts through the entire middle school experience.

Students can earn HOUSE POINTS. These can be earned by participation in extracurricular activities, excellent classroom performance or effort, community service, exhibiting the pillars of character, or any other positive contribution to middle school life. Points are earned in increments of 5. Any staff member can give points. Once earned, they cannot be lost. Leftover house points transfer to the next school year. Students can also earn points for their parents’ attendance at parent night activities.

Throughout the year, there will be different levels of PRIZES that can be purchased with HOUSE POINTS.

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